Safety Investigation Was Held by 古天乐代言太阳集团 Edit Date:2016/12/18
Recently in order to make sure safety production Investigation Group, which was formed with Chairman Chen, Manager Peng in charge of EPC management and other members from Engineering Management Department and Engineering Design Department, checked under-construction projects “Anbo Dongguan Shipai Warehouse Logistics Centre (Phase 3)” and “Foshan STS Refinery Project”.
Investigation Group firstly checked the safety condition on site especially safety measures for large machines, scaffold, upper fire fighting pipe using 古天乐代言太阳集团 EPC Site Safety Check List and then established a investigation report. Afterwards the group organized a safety meeting with all sub-contractors. Sub-contractors according to current production condition made reports and the group made relevant comments. Chairman Chen mentioned in the meeting that Safety production was for us, our families and even for enterprises and society; the second safety principle was: do not do what is not safe and what is with no safety measure. Sub-contractors presented that they would strengthen their safety awareness and do their best on safety aspect.
Safety Net and Sign
Safety Belt for Aloft Work
Neat and Tidy Stacks
Safety Meeting