Good News to EPC Contract Award: WTE Engineering of Lvyuan Waste Comprehensive Treatment and Resource Utilization Plant in Jieyang City Edit Date:2017/06/27
On 20th May, 2017, 古天乐代言太阳集团, with its industrial strength and excellent proposal, has been awarded the EPC contract of WTE Engineering of Lvyuan Waste Comprehensive Treatment and Resource Utilization Plant in Jieyang City, by Ousheng Green Fuel Co., Ltd. The contract is valued as RMB¥310,000,000.
古天乐代言太阳集团 has entered waste incineration power plant industry since 2009 and has accumulated a number of experiences (over 180 projects) on waste incineration power generation. 古天乐代言太阳集团 has earned high reputation on its proposal and service quality in this industry after having done refinement and innovation during the past projects.
This event will offer 古天乐代言太阳集团 a precious opportunity to proceed further to be a comprehensive engineering company.