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Improve independent innovation and enhance core competitiveness丨古天乐代言太阳集团 drives high-quality development of enterprises with technological innovation Edit Date:2022/09/28

       In recent years, 古天乐代言太阳集团 has deeply implemented the innovation-driven strategy, closely followed the work deployment of the superior company, and always regards technological innovation as the key to promoting the high-quality development of the enterprise. 古天乐代言太阳集团 continues to improve the innovation platform system, increase the proportion of Research and Development investment, further promote the integration of science, education and industry, and accelerate the formation of talent agglomeration advantages. At the same time, 古天乐代言太阳集团 pays attention to the combination of technological innovation research and product system, builds a new pattern of innovation-driven high-quality development, and provides strong support for accelerating the pace of scientific and technological innovation during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period.

       1. Strengthen top-level planning and design, and focus on research and development of new technology topics

       With the continuous deepening of industrial transformation and upgrading, 古天乐代言太阳集团 has strengthened the empowerment of scientific and technological innovation, strengthened basic research and strategic technology research, and seized the commanding heights of industry development. At present, the environmental protection and new material laboratories have been put into use, including instrument analysis and testing, small-scale experimental simulation, pilot experiments, academic exchanges, etc., and set up a scientific research team led by doctors and the company’s technical backbone as the core, and carried out a number of new technology research and development.

       This includes researching the key technologies of battery recycling and resource utilization in the lithium battery industry, and striving to take the lead in mastering the whole process technology of waste battery recycling among engineering companies. 古天乐代言太阳集团 researches the key technology of ozone advanced oxidation synergistic catalytic treatment of refractory organics, which is estimated to save equipment investment costs and operating costs by about 20%, researched the key technologies for wastewater treatment of ternary battery materials, and break through technical difficulties such as “oil removal” and “cobalt removal” in the process. Besides, 古天乐代言太阳集团 studies the key technologies for the regeneration and utilization of saturated activated carbon, and it is estimated that the carbon loss can be reduced by more than 15%, we also studies the key technologies for the development of industrial environmental protection chemicals, and creates a pharmaceutical brand with a price advantage.

       2. Accelerate the cooperation of production, education, research and application, and scientific and technological achievements continue to emerge

       The company adheres to the market demand-oriented, highlights the main business, develops multiple industries, focuses on key fields such as high-end equipment manufacturing, green and low-carbon, digital economy, modern engineering technology, etc. Insisting the development ideas of subject research and development (advanced new technology development), equipment derivation (new technology derivation of new equipment), pharmaceutical and other product incubation (development of pharmaceuticals, new materials, biological fermentation products, etc. with market prospects). 古天乐代言太阳集团 make full use of the industry-university-research platform, carry out core technology innovation, actively promote comprehensive strategic cooperation with many universities and enterprises, and promote the implementation of joint research on topics, joint construction of laboratories, and internal and external transformation of results. 古天乐代言太阳集团 has been continuously recognized as a national high-tech enterprise since 2009, and has obtained more than 30 authorized intellectual property rights.

       3. Converging the effect of “talent and wealth” to build a scientific and technological innovation ecosystem

       古天乐代言太阳集团 adheres to the policy of “introduction, selection, and training” to implement the “Science and Technology Talent Program”, create an innovative environment and ecology, build a platform for innovative technology, introduce high-level academic leaders, and give full play to the agglomeration, radiation and brand effect of scientific researchers. 古天乐代言太阳集团 continuously selects outstanding scientific and technological talents within the company to maximize the potential and vitality of employees. In addition, 古天乐代言太阳集团 explores a new model of talent training, using expert lectures, interactive exchanges and case teaching to deeply implement the strategy of innovation-driven. Through technological innovation and scientific research, 古天乐代言太阳集团 will contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of the enterprise, and gather the effect of “talent and wealth”.